Monday, May 13, 2013

Poem response 3

Love by Justin Bandy 

Love is a flower 
it starts with the seed 
it grows stronger only if well nurished 
it must be fed with laughter 
and watered with tears 
winds come as they may 
can the flower stand its ground? 
\If the flower blows away in the wind 
its seeds still spread 
love is a flower in all its beauty.

I like the feel to this poem because it shows that love can't stand alone it hast to be worked on in order to grow and how it is like a flower and a flower needs a seed it is a metaphor because the seed and the flower can be people for example. 

Poetry response 2

Social Media

by Amaiso Nensy 

facebook is mother 
friendster is the ancestor 
other is twitter 

I like how Amaiso went with this haiku 
she is showing how poetry can be written 
about anything and turn it into something 
clever and good.


Oh ya oh ya
my name is Gem
and I can't rhyme because
I don't have the time
oh ya oh ya

I got rhymes that make money
and mad rhymes that don't stop
i'm the king of online
and dominate black ops

Oh ya oh ya
I'm like a dime  
but i can't say any more because I have run outta time
oh ya oh ya

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


There was a man named joe
who stubbed his toe
he fell down in pain
in the middle of the game
yet he hopped around like a toad

There was a cat named cat
who got hit by a bat
and fell down and turned into a rat
then he stepped on a tack
then fell on a mat

There is a planet called Earth
one day it gave birth
to humans that start war
killing each other like bores
why did Earth give birth

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I have seen....

I have seen large amounts of money coming poor people’s way
I have seen people lose large amounts of money in a gamble
I have seen stalk market crash and people going hungry
I have seen food given to poor countries
I have seen children kill each other in an Easter egg hunt
I have seen children work harder than the bee
I have seen people turning into vampires because of Hot Topic

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Haiku hard work

 The bee works all day
To bring honey for their queen
Never takes a break

Children far away
Slave way harder than a bee
Barely getting paid

With two cents a day
Gas station jobs up ahead  
America ya  

Haiku on summer

Everything dries up
Season for swimming begins
Just lasts for four months 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Abstract stuff

Dreams are kitty cat grey jump suit parties on Jason day
Happiness is jiggle Jell-O orange biking in the clouds
Fear is hell red monster trucks flaming
Joy is bright yellow walking on sunshine fun day
Loneliness is bright white home alone
Success is baby blue money coming my way

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The poem I read was called Eating Poetry by Mark Strand.  I found it under poems for teen.  And this is the only one that stands out to me.  
I think this poem is from a dogs perspective because he is not acting as a human at all.  He starts by saying that there is ink running from my mouth and then he said he is super happy because he has been eating poetry.  At first  I thought he was trying to find a way to explain his love for poetry but when it get deeper, deeper, and deeper into he actually being a dog.   

Thursday, April 11, 2013

V.s. Poem on humanity

Spain vs. England
                                    Hitler vs. Stalin
                                                                  Man vs. Woman
                                                                                                                            Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King
                                                                   Black vs. White
                                     China vs. Tibet  
Disco vs. Punk Rock
                                                                 VHS vs. DVD
                                  Orson Scott Card vs. San Francisco
                          Bush vs. 9/11
                                                 Man vs. Wild
                                                                  Crips vs. Bloods
                                                                                        All boy bands vs. Guys
                                                                                                                        Connor vs. Conrad
                                                                                                                                             Gemini vs. Banana chips

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

School Poem

Mom wakes me up
have little breakfast
drive to school
wait five minutes
Language Arts begins
Lasts for hour and a half
ten minute break
Math for hour and a half
lunch break begins lasts an hour
Study Hall is upon us
but ends shortly
PE or History depends on the day
takes about an hour
then Physics of or Computers still depending on the day
then return to my sanctuary from whence I came
it starts all over until Saturday the best day of the week
the most unpredictable day of the week

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

After reading Ender's Game I had a lot of thought about my anticipation guide.  Now that I have a more open mind about this book I can answer them way better than I did before I read this book.  
Lying is ok if it is for the greater good.  I still strongly agree with this even after I read Ender's Game. The thing is that if Graff and Mazer didn't lie about the simulations than Ender well be more worried about losing his men on the ships and he might of lost the battle.  So that is my answer to that.
Sometimes violence is the only way to solve the problem.  My answer is yes and no.  I don't see how the humans go to the buggers planet and attack when they can be building up their defenses.  But the buggers are still a threat because they outnumber the humans.  Plus they have better communication technology.  They use telepathy so it is impossible to hack into their communication. But humanity has a chance if they sneak attack the buggers with their guard down.
I still think it is ok to kill in self defence.  The reason it if a person attacks you and you hurt them they go to jail.  But when they get out of jail they would be pissed and come after you when your guard is down.  Like when Ender fought Stilson in chapter one.  The reason when Ender beat Stilson and he was on the ground he kicked him a few more times so he couldn't hurt Ender again.  
In Enders game words do nothing to avoid the fight between Ender and Bonzo on chapter twelve.  It didn't work with Stilson too. But I think that words are useful to avoid complication.  If someone wanted to beat me up I have used words to get out out it.  
I do believe bullies hurt others because they have low self of steam after I read Ender's game.  On chapter twelve Ender beat Bonzo at the war game but Ender had no time to get ready and at the End of the war game you have to meet with your enemy army commander and shake hands.  But Ender was so mad that he left not even talking to Bonzo.  Well Bonzo was really mad because he knew that Ender is better than him and now he had a low self of steam.  So he gets other people to verbally bully Ender and then Bonzo attempts to kill Ender.
Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders.  Yes I still agree with that because Ender was the best but I wouldn't say the brightest student in battle school.  But because of his training he made the best army.  Plus Bean was bright and the best and that is why Ender trusts him the most.
Revenge is never justified.  On chapter fourteen the human got their revenge on the buggers and I  think that it was never justified because what if the buggers were good and back then the had a bad dictator?  Then the buggers would have no choice then attack the humans.  So after a long time would you think that they changed their hearts.  
Crying is evidence of weakness.  I thought crying is evidence of weakness but after I read Ender's Game I have changed my mind.  On chapter fourteen after Ender beat up bonzo he was sad because he didn't want to hurt Bonzo and he cried.  But you can see for yourself that Ender is no weak at all infact he is the best army leader in the battle school.
Any action is acceptable in war.  I still don't think that any action is acceptable in war.  I haven't read anything about this in Enders game.  But I don't believe that in reality.  Like when america dropped a nuclear bomb in japan and its only victims were civilians and that could've been avoided.
Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.  Some do but not all of them.  On chapter fourteen Bonzo could have have some discipline and rules when he just tried to kill Ender.  
Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.  Well the army people had to sacrifice Enders childhood to create a positive change(chapter one).  If it wasn't for Ender the buggers would still be alive and might attack again.
 Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.  Yes I can see how it can create pease. If you can walk in your enemys shoes you can see from your enemies point of view and then you and your enemy can understand each other.  Then that will create peace.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. Who is manipulating whom?  Who really has the power?  Peter has the power because he had it planned out from the beginning.
2.  Look up the names Locke and Demosthenes, how do these philosophers relate to the personas of Peter and Valentine?  Locke was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers.  And Demosthenes was a prominent Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.
3. Why is Ender still angry?  Because he is turning out like Peter.

Chapter 10 – Dragon
1. What kind of leader was Ender?  Why was he this kind of leader?  Ender was a leader that was  tough and strong and used discipline and strategy to make his army the best of them all.
2. What did Ender do to Bean, and why?
3. What does the word Salaam mean?  What could this tell you about the power of religious identity?  Salaam means peace.  Well I guess that saying salaam is making the best of things.
4. What is important about the end of this chapter?  Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?

Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1. How does the computer know Ender so well?  Does it really?  THe computer remembers enders old moves and uses it against him.
2. Explain this quote: “Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any games. Because if I lose any--” (page 198)  Then the world is at stake if ender can't defeat the buggers.
3. Why are the teachers pushing Ender so hard?  To see how far Ender can go.
4. Discuss the importance of the last two sentences of the chapter......?
5. “Veni vidi vici” means, “I came; I saw; I conquered.”  Why is this an appropriate chapter title?  We came we saw we conquered.

CEJ #5

14-foot shark kills man in rare attack off New Zealand beach

Off the coast of New Zealand hundreds of tourists witnessed a horrible shark attack.  What happened was the victim Adam Strange, a 46-year-old father of one, had been swimming more than 600 feet from shore.  This attack was one out of twelve shark attacks in the past 180 years.  
What happened was the shark mistaken the swimmer as a seal and charged toward the victim starting a feeding frenzy staining  the sparkling water into crimson.  The blood brought fore more sharks to the scene making it harder to rescue the 46-year old victim.  According to witnesses other sharks joined the attack making it more horrific than ever.
Then police firing shots from a lifeboat and a helicopter chased them off and recovered the dead man's body.  After that witnesses said that the other sharks started circling the victim take bites.  The shark was a great white and was about 14 feet long.  
Wow I thought the Jaws movie was funny. This makes me feel bad.  I can't believe that sharks will be so brutal.  After I read this article I not going into the ocean.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 12 – Bonzo
1. How did Ender provoke Bonzo?  How did Bonzo respond?  Ender beat Bonzo is a training but the game wasn't fair for Ender because Graff gave Ender no time to prepare.  So Ender stormed off and Bonzo got more mad because he knew that Ender was better than him.  Then when Ender was in the shower Bonzo Came in and took off his clothes to make it fair and attempted to kill Ender.  But Ender just beats up Bonzo.
2. Who was Stilson? Why was Ender thinking of him?  Stilson was a boy that would bully Ender back on earth when he was a kid.  And he thought about him because he beat him up right before he left to battle school and he recently just beat up Ender.
3. Why does Ender still expect help from the teachers?  Because he knows that he is their only hope.
4. Did you know Stilson and Bonzo were dead? Find the specific clues in this chapter about the deaths.  I know that they're dead because freking Garrett told me.
5. Was Ender justified? Why did they not tell him of the deaths?  These  deaths were actions of self defense.  

Chapter 13 – Valentine
1. “Perhaps it is impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.” Explain what this quote means. State an example of this idea.
2. Is it a natural, “good” instinct for humans to be killers? (survival of the fittest)  I have no idea.
3. Discuss the conversation between Ender and Valentine on the raft. What does Ender reveal about himself and his enemies?  They were talking about if he should go to commander school.
4. Discuss Valentine’s conflicting thoughts about her brothers. How have Peter and Ender’s roles shifted? How does Valentine feel about each?  She means that ENder is turing in what Peter used to be.  Valentine is sad about this change.
5. Discuss Graff’s statements about why the war with the Buggers was inevitable.  The Buggers can communicate with their mind and there are more buggers than human soldiers.  

Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher
1. What disturbs Ender about Eros? How does Ender figure out the truth about Eros?  ENder didn't feel right about Eros because it used to belong to the buggers.
2. Describe how Mazer is going to be the only teacher Ender has ever had?  Because Mazer has more experience than any one.
3. Why had Mazer been dishonest with Ender? Do you think Ender could have
handled the truth?  No.  It would have be easier because if Ender knew he wouldn't have risked the life of any of the ship leaders that he trained and was close to.
4. Have they pushed the children too far? Was it worth it?  It was if they hadent the buggers would still be alive.
5. Is genocide, or in the case of Ender's Game where an entire alien race is
annihilated, xenocide, ever justified? Was the xenocide of the Buggers inevitable? Why?  Buggers attack earth once humanity kills until there is no more to kill.

Ode to TV

Oh TV om TV
what would I do with out
when I turn
you on I feel
the static coming
from your screen
when I turn you off it’s like
you die and when I turn
you on I feel like
oh TV om TV
what would I do without

Orson Scott Card Response


I think that it is weird that Orson Scott is a gay hater and yet he has a lot of boy to boy contact in his book Enders Game.  I know someone who says that gay people belong to Satien.  And i really don't like that person for many other reasons.  So I can see how some people might hate Card for being a gay hater.  But why did he write Enders Game why it is going against his beliefs?  Is it for money?  Or to make more people like him?  I don’t know!  All that I know is what Mr. Vack tell me and the Class.  
But Just because Orson Scott Card is a gay hater doesn't mean we can't enjoy his work.  He will die soon like in the next ten years so Mr. vack can buy all the books he wants about Card.  And all the money will go to Orsons non gay children. 
  The movie Enders Game shouldn't be boycotted  because it has nothing against gays or gay marriage.  Plus the movie might be pirated so a new movie will make Card lose money than gain money.  And I know that because popular movies always get pirated  and the warning for piracy right before the move starts is ignored.   

Friday, February 15, 2013


Drones Can find people and save them if they're in danger.  They Can also find people and kill them and they wouldn't even know that it would hit them.  But when it comes to drones there are a bunch of what ifs.  
What if Obama was on a airplane and a  drone was guarding it.  If the drone malfunctioned and thought that the plain that obama was in was a target?  I'm not educated enough to judge drones and that is something I need to look into.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gemini Carman
My Addiction To Video Games

One of game i'm currently addicted to is called Borderlands 2. If there are genres for video games Borderlands 2 would be SiFi.  It takes place on a planet called Pandora and the point of the game is to shoot and loot plus kill Handsome Jack.  
Handsome Jack came to Pandora in search of a element that I forgot the the name of.  The one of the only people on Pandora are bandits that try to kill and rob you.  And threaten to eat your babies.  
The goal of the game is to find volts I already found one in a bandit camp.  My favorite thing about Borderlands 2 is the graphics.  It is like playing in a comic because everything has a black line around it.
Other than that I don't play much video games any more.  I've just been playing music and hanging out in town plus getting school work done. I feel that I can be doing better things than playing video games.
CEJ # 2
Gemini Carman                                        
Bus Passenger Describes Terror Before Crash
    In Tijuana, Mexico a bus full of tired tourists rolled slowly down a mountain road after a day playing in the show at a ski resort.  Playing in the snow sounds fun.  The ski resort is called Big Bear.  That is not a clever name for a ski resort.
    When the bus picked up speed the driver yelled someone call 911.
If I were there I would jump out the window and avoid the crash.  The breaks on the bus went out.  While people try to get cell phone signals others screaming.  
    A Ford Pickup truck was heading up the road when the bus was coming down.  The bus flipped on its side plowing into the Ford Pickup truck.  THe bus was tossing passengers out shattered windows.  Then the bus came to a sudden stop.  
    Seven people were killed and about three dozen were injured.  The bus crash was happened eighty miles east of Los Angeles.  On monday investigators searched for evidence and scrutinized the bus company’s safe history.  
    Wow that is crazy town.  This story reminds me when i was on a bus that broke down.  It was scary because it was in the middle of nowhere on the Oregon trail.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chapter 1 – Third
1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender?  The adults lie to Ender because they need to test him and see if he can get into battle school and they don't want him to know because he might mess it up.

2. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is
a negative or positive fact to:
- his parents,  They love him but they feel shamed because of themselves because Ender is the third.
- his brother, Peter,  Peter is jealous because he knows Ender is better than him so he is mean to him because a third is better than him.
- his sister, Valentine, His sister is loving and protective to Ender.
- his classmates.  His class mates bully Ender because he is the third.

Chapter 2 – Peter
1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine?  Support your answer
with evidence from the novel.  Peter is a dark violent child.  but he was joking when he was threatening to kill Ender because at the end peter started laughing and saying I got you good.

2. Why is Peter’s behavior at the end of the chapter so completely different from the
rest of the chapter?  Because peter truly cares about him on the inside and he was saying that he was sorry.  

3. How do you feel about each of these characters (Ender, Valentine, Peter)?  What
did the author do to help create these feelings?  Give examples.  Ender is the main character with heart.  Valentine is a sweet character with a lot of love for Ender.  Peter is a violent child that hates Ender.
Chapter 3 – Graff
1. What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls?  In historyeveryone thought that  war and fighting was man and the wemon would take care of the house and make food.
2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does
Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action?

Chapter 4 – Launch
1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: “Individual human beings are tools
that the others use to help us all survive.”  The statement is talking about soldgers and how there tools to keep their countrey safe.

2. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative -
otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." Your answer should
include the terms: isolation, creative, adopt, lose. 
They need to keep Ender from the other group of children or he will adopt other behaviors and he could lose his creativity.  

3. Did Ender mean to break the other boy’s arm?  What does this incident tell us aboutEnder?  Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival?  Why or why not? 
Ender didn’t mean to break the other boys arm he was just going to catch it.  This shows that Ender isn’t aware of his own strength.   And it is to do despicable things for survival because your life could be at stake.

Chapter 5 – Games
1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in
front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not?   What is positive and what is
negative about showing feelings?  What is positive and what is negative about not
showing feelings?  I don’t think it is healthy because other kids will make it supper unhealthy

Monday, February 4, 2013

CEJ #1
Gemini Carman

That Cuddly Kitty Is Deadlier Than You Think

Oh my God. I can't believe that my cat is dangerous.  I cuddle with my my cat all the time well she cuddles with me when i'm asleep.  In the article it said that studies were shown that cats kill  12.3 billion mammals a year not even counting the feathered kind.  And most of them are native mammals so that is not good.
That is outstanding.  All that my cat does is eat sleep and sleep more .  So I can't see how cats are ruthless killers to mammals.  More birds and mammals die at the mouths of cats, the report said, than from automobile strikes, pesticides and poisons etc.  
Cat are really cool creatures.  But i'm still having trouble believing that cats kill all these mammals.  Well I guess that nature.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.  It depends on the situation.  But I can see how it is useful.  If some won is going to get hurt really bad for no reason.  Like if they have a different religion then a lie can be used for the grater good by saying that you don't believe in God.

Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.  I just Strongly agreed because I felt like it.  what if some won pulls a knife on you?
and you have a bigger knife and no cops where around to help you?  Than you scare your enemy with your knife or a gun if you have one.

It is okay to kill someone in self-defense.  What if some one was about to kill you and no won was around.  Then pick up a rock and bash him in the head.

Words are stronger than fists.  The pen is mightier than the sword.

Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem.  I know a bully that docent care about him self.  

Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders .  Well maybe   I think it depends on how the parson is smar.

Revenge is never justified.  I think it can be justified to sone dagree.

Crying is evidence of weakness.  Not only it is a evidence of weakness if your seen you will get bullyed the rest of your life.

Any action is acceptable in war.  No what if someone just desided to nuke a place with civileans like in WWII.

Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.  only some not all.

Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive  change.  I think that is true.  I dint know what else to say.

Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.  I can see how that is true.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I am a Musical Learner

Your mantra: That sounds good to me!
You probably sing to yourself while walking down the street. Keep it up! Musical intelligence is associated with enjoying music, singing (vocalists), making music (composers), and playing an instrument (instrumentalists). You are sensitive to sounds and the emotions music conveys. You have a unique ability to know when something is off key.   
      Wow I didn't know that. Well maybe it make since because one day I just got on a key bord and started playing stuff by by ear.  Hummmmmmmmmmmm I need so cookies. 

I am kind of a Interpersonal Learner

Your mantra: I understand what you mean.
Interpersonal learners thrive on social interaction. Friends often ask you for advice because you are understanding and in tune with the people around you and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods.
Your ability to manage relationships helps you understand situations and take a leadership role when necessary. You enjoy teaching and sharing your thoughts.
Careers that require insight and the ability to read what someone else is thinking or feeling -- such as teaching, psychology, or sales -- would be a great match for those with interpersonal intelligence. 
      What dose that mean?

I'm Kinda a  Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner

Your mantra: Movement is fun-damental.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence means you think in movements. The fundamental ability to use movements for either self-expression or precision to achieve a goal is crucial for surgeons, athletes, mimes, choreographers, and directors.
The best way for you to retain information is to associate it with an activity. Dance, acting, and sports are easy for you to master. Relate what you are trying to learn to one of these activities, and you will retain information and gain understanding.
WHAT THE @#$%!!!!!!!  I don't thing that is true.  The computer is wrong.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gemini's Revenge

Mr. R was the neighborhood bully.  He loved making friends with Orion and then turning him against me.  One time Orion and I found a snake in the field and I took it as my pet.  Orion called Mr. R over and when he came I had a bad feeling.  Mr. R looked at the snake and then stomped on the poor creature. Mr. R smiled.  After he killed my pet he pointed all his evil energy at me.  So he took the snake and threw it at me.  Then he started making homophobic remarks at me.
 I was really mad.  So I left and got my dad.  A big scary dude.  I told him what happened and then he stormed in the parking lot and yelled at Mr. R.  After that my dad came back and said he has solved the problem.  But he just made it worse.  
Mr. R was mad at me because I got my dad to yell at him so he stole my bike for the third time.  But this time I never got it back.
It all started when I was born.  My parents didn't get along but come to think of it all first couples never get along.  So my mom and dad separated.  And that’s when my days in a ghetto apartment complex begin.  
I moved in with my mom, I was excited.  On the first day I made friends with this one kid named Orion.  He has dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and he was a few centimeters taller than me.  I was three feet back then.  
The apartment complex I lived in was like a prison.  The reason I call it a prison is because there were cruel people and trash was everywhere.  And worst of all I was never happy.
There was a old man that took a picture of me and said that he is going to show the landlord because I was breaking up cement. There were two kids,I forget their names, who would play with fire.  And this one guy would take a 22 and shoot at a wooden stake posted up to support a fence. at one end there was a forest and a broken down park for kids to play in.  there was a lot of spiders some even bigger than my hand.  
It has been a week since i've been bikeless.  This drove me crazy. I would hide in the bushes and up in trees or behind junk watching and stalking Mr. R for about two weeks.  Until one day he made a mistake that he would regret for the rest of his childhood years.  Mr. R left his bike out and I thought this is the perfect opportunity to get some payback.  So I stole his bike.  
A few months later my little brother was born and Mr. R couldnt except that his bike was gone. He would go to every door asking if you had seen it and when he came to mine I lied and told him no.  
After a while I moved to Trinidad.  Life was a little bit better there.  It had a And every now and then I laugh at the sight of that of that old rusty cougar bike in open garage.  It is hard to believe that after all these nine years I still have Mr. R’s bike.